
The following are people and things which inspire me creatively.

Angela is a hugely talented writer and photographer.
Originally from New Zealand, currently based in Perth, Western Australia.
You can view her wonderful photography at

Fia has an amazing sense of style and fashion, and also takes fabulous photos.
See her unique view of the world at

Andrei is a fantastic photographer who also makes great music!
Check out his awesome work at

I am very inspired by music, especially Glitch Hop, Dubstep and Drum n Bass. Samples is a particular favourite:

David Thorne

I love the way David writes, it is engaging, witty and at times absurdist. I hope to be able to write like this some day.
Visit his website

The Community
The Community is a collective of music producers, performers and artists from Perth.
They run numerous gigs, providing emerging local artists with performance opportunities, promote and distribute their own works within W.A, as well as holding art exhibitions and organizing wall mural projects.
Check them out at

Dubstep – Joker and DMZ
As mentioned before, I am hugely inspired creatively by music. This tune has inspired me recently after seeing it played at a gig by DMZ a few weeks ago, which turned out to be one of the best I’ve ever been to.

Chris (Simpsons Artist)
I recently discovered this guy on Facebook, and I think he’s a genius. I love the way he writes the comments on all his photos, as I like to write in that absurdist style.
See his work here

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